Thursday 25 February 2010

Prop and Location Lists

Prop List for our film:

Mobile Phone (the text message Mia receives from Horatio)

A tie (presumably a red bow tie for when Horatio strangles Noah)

Apple Mac

Improvised article on the screen


Pictures of Mia

Geeky glasses

Flamboyant clothes

Ankle swingers with white socks

Black shoes

Location list for our film:

Media Suite- for the Newsroom:

Possibly the corridor for Red House (1st floor):

Welham Road:

We chose these main locations for our film as they give subtle clues to the audience about the character of Horatio. The Media Suite being used for the newsroom shows Horatio to enjoy writing and the fact that he is writing about Mia and has lots of photographs of her, shows his obsession, as well as him taking on a journalist-type role; journalists in many ways have to be sly, suggesting that Horatio is a sly kind of person. Horatio walking down the road by himself will show his seclusion and isolation from others, and also telling the audience that he is a student as he is walking to school. Also, these locations are quite ordinary and everyday, most films we looked at of this genre opened in an ordinary setting in generally domestic or everyday situations, and so in this way we are following the codes conventions of the opening locations in films of the psychological thriller genre.

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