Wednesday 31 March 2010

Costume Justification

Mia's costume in the film needed to represent the danger she is in, and also feelings of loss of hope and threat. Mia is wearing mostly black in the opening two minutes of the film, which connotes the idea of death and danger, and warns the audience of threatening events to come. She also wears a grey top, this represents the feelings of loss of hope which are very relevant as it is what she will feel at the end of the film according to our story-line. Her red scarf makes her stand out, which reflects the way Horatio singles her out as his victim, and the colour red also connotes danger and warning also. As well as this, the red scarf gives her a connection with Horatio who wears a red tie; this helps the audience to make a connection between the two characters.

Similarly, in the film 'Hide and Seek', the young girl wears a red coat in the opening two
minutes of the film, to show danger and threat. It gives the audience an idea that this character could be in danger, or perhaps dangerous. In the case of 'Hide and Seek' the audience get a feeling that the girl is in danger as she seems innocent and happy, and so her red coat is connoting the idea that she may be a victim of threat. In 'Neurosis' the female is being followed, again showing that she is the victim, and could be in some kind of danger. The colour red also stands out and outlines the characters as important key roles in the films.

Horatio's costume in the film says a lot about his character and intentions. The colours black and red again connote the concepts of danger and death; showing Horatio's threat and sinister characteristics in his red tie and black trousers. He is also dressed in quite formal and smart clothes, this makes him stand out against most people his age, and later in the film the audience would see him in contrast to others. As well as this, formal clothes are often associated with intelligence, which is another important part of Horatio's character as he is an intellectual and

uses his intelligence to make his obsession with Mia subtle. His red tie also gives him a connection with Mia, showing him to be the one who is threatening her safety.

Horatio's glasses are an important part of his costume also; they again, like his formal clothes represent his intelligence as glasses, especially ones of Horatio's style and size, are often associated with extreme intellect. Horatio often touches his glasses, or nudges them up his nose during points in the film, this is like his trademark, and shows him to be carrying out a sort of mission to capture Mia. The action shows his determination and focus.


In the first ten seconds of our film we have heavy breathing recorded over the image, we decided to have this in the scene where Horatio is following Mia as it creates a sinister and threatening feel to the first ten seconds. The music we bring in with the first title of our film, and it is a piece called 'Sad Story' we got from a website called The website is a copyright free music website. We chose this music as it begins with a soft piano in the beginning, creating a subtly sinister feel to the opening of the film, yet not obviously threatening; which reflects the fact that Horatio's obsession with Mia is not obvious and is much more subtle, yet the audience know there is something sinister and not quite right about him. The music later builds to a climax towards the end of the opening two minutes, which fits well with our film as in the story-line Horatio's obsession builds up to a climax, it also represents the disruption of his equilibrium, in terms of Todorov's narrative theory, when the pictures of Mia on the wall are shown.

Thursday 18 March 2010

Titles Storyboard

These titles which are featured over black, will be shown over image in the final film.

Friday 5 March 2010

Film Schedule


Monday 1st March 2010

Time: 2.15-2.55
Scene 1: Horatio follows Mia on Welham Road.
Actors on location: Jemima, Leon and two students.

We chose to film on Welham Road in order to establish the main setting of the story which is set in Graveney School.

Friday 5th March 2010

Time: 11.10- 11.55
Scene 2: Take pictures of Mia outside the theatre.
We chose to take pictures of Mia outside the theatre in order to place her in an ordinary setting. The main aim of this was to create something eerie and mysterious out of a natural setting. The abnormal element to this scene is that Mia is being followed by Horatio who is zooming in on Mia' movements and taking pictures of her.

Monday 8th March 2010

Time: 2.15-2.55
Scene 3: Horatio goes to the newsroom and writes an article about Mia.
Actors on location: Leon

Horatio goes to the newsroom. We chose the media suite as the newsroom because it has many posters and articles that are associated with a newsroom setting. Also, the media suite is home to many computers and in an actual newsroom many computers and printers are needed in order to type and print stories.


Thursday 4 March 2010

Photographs of Actors

This is our main character, Horatio Milton Baxter, played by Leon Thomas. Our group chose to use Leon as Horatio partly because he is in our group and so this meant we would not have to rely on other people outside of our group to be in our film. We also thought Leon would be a good person to play Horatio because he is tall and therefore stands out; making it easy for an audience to gather the idea that he is a key character and perhaps controversial to others.

Our group decided that I should play Mia, because again, I am in our group and so it makes filming time easier. Also, out of the people in our group I fitted in most with the characteristics of the character; since I'm white and have quite long hair, which are both characteristics of the females that tend to be in this genre of film.